This 2-day course has been designed to improve the knowledge and skills of experienced RTW Coordinators or for HR Professionals involved in injury management at your workplace.
Facilitated as a work-shop, participants are encouraged to discuss their own “complex” cases and work through strategies to manage these in consultation with the claims and injury management professionals within your WorkCover Insurer ensuring the best outcomes for the injured employee and your workplace. Amongst other things, the course will cover:
- The importance of early intervention and how to intervene effectively
- The pre-employment process and the relevance of pre-employment screening
- Understanding the initial liability process
- Mental injury claims arising from “reasonable management action”
- Risk profiling for Return to Work Management including premium considerations
- Managing injuries in the context of discrimination and Fair Work considerations
- Return to work planning and injury management strategies to demonstrate reasonable accommodation
- Termination of employment based on inability to perform the role (long term injuries)
- The dispute resolution process – getting the best outcomes
- Understanding the role of your WorkSafe Agent in case management
Who should attend?
Injury Management Consultants or RTW Coordinators looking to add to their skills and knowledge. It is preferred that participants have completed the 2-day WorkSafe endorsed course or have at least 6 months experience in the role.