For ongoing claims, injuries or return to work we can provide strategic advice around RTW planning especially if the RTW plan is not progressing as hoped. Using our unique risk matrix tool we will assess the case against specific criteria including, amongst other things; the risks associated with continuing with the current RTW strategy, the impact on the workplace, the potential for re-injury and the impact on premium forecasts.
Cost and Risk Analysis
Employers need to be cognisant of their legal obligations in relation to return to work under the relevant Compensation legislation however must also have regard to other legal risks such as exposure under Equal Opportunity, Workplace Relations and Occupational Health & Safety law. Whilst premium impact is an important consideration, sometimes maintaining a return to work strategy just to minimise premium could be more damaging to the organisation and potentially the injured employee.
- Can your business provide duties that add meaning and value to both the injured worker’s rehabilitation and the organisation’s bottom line?
- How do apparent premium savings compare to the operating expenses associated with an unproductive return to work?
- How long should “light” duties continue to be provided if there is no apparent change in the worker’s capacity?
Our advice may include withdrawal of suitable employment or pursuing alternate return to work options or even termination of employment. We can also provide a cost analysis of what a non-productive return to work may be costing as compared to the potential premium implication.
Termination of Employment
Where termination of employment is recommended, we can guide you through a step by step process to minimise legal risk. We are also available to meet with the injured employee and their representative as part of the process. We provide all documentation including draft termination letters and Deeds of Release where appropriate.